Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Beautiful meditation on art, life, hope and salt

It's been some time since I've thrown out a think piece that allows a moment to pause and reflect. And they say there's no time like the present to take action, so let's all take a breath and watch the video above that is a meditation on art, life, hope and... salt. Yeah, salt.

Who would have thought that such meaning could be found in those tiny grains? The Vimeo video highlights artist Motoi Yamamoto and was posted by The Avant/Garde Diaries who write:

    A Japanese artist travels to the salt flats of western Utah to discuss life, death, rebirth, and making art from salt.

The mixture of sadness, beauty, self-discovery, hope and art taking place with the barren salt flats of Wendover, Utah as a backdrop come together so well in this insightful piece that is perfect for some calm and self-reflection in the hectic scramble of life.  A wonderful piece of work on a truly fascinating artist. If you'd like to check out more work by Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto be sure to click here and for more videos from The Avant/Garde Diaries click here to go to their website.

UPDATE: And if you're in the Los Angeles-area and interested in seeing Motoi's work, make sure to read the very helpful Comment below from "labandartgallery".

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