Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In Santa Cruz, balloon artist goes for smiles

The long and narrow balloons, appearing in every color of the rainbow, squeak as they are twisted, stretched and tied into the shape of a turtle, bear or swan.

Suspense hangs in the air as students in the Cabrillo Stroke and Disability Learning Center watch Addi Somekh, an artist in residence at UC Santa Cruz's Cowell College, and seven of his quick-learning pupils create a room full of flowers, animals and fanciful hats made of air and latex. Will the final product look like the audience requested, or will the balloons pop before they fulfill their destiny?

"We see so few things made in front of us," Somekh said Wednesday of his 21-year love affair with balloon art. "And if all is done well, it's transformative."

At first, Somekh's philosophy sounds as silly as balloon-making itself: "I've always just known the most important thing to do is to make sad people happy," he said.

But the simple power of that notion becomes clear watching the UCSC students smile as they pull limp pieces of latex from their aprons and create an orange dog, pink monkey or multicolored ring. Their joy is matched only by the recipients'.

"They did a fantastic job," said Janalee Middleton, a four-year student of the stroke center, who coveted her green, pink and gold flower. "I thought, 'A balloon is not going to make me happy,' but it puts a smile on your face. They make you want to pass it on."

Somekh, who graduated from UCSC in 1994 and now lives in Los Angeles,

entertains and performs team-building exercises for companies. Last year, he was featured in a six-episode reality TV show called "The Unpoppables" on TLC.

But since the fall quarter started at UCSC in September, the 40-year-old artist has been teaching students the skill and ethos of balloon-making as part of an activity not eligible for class credit. Somekh was invited by Cowell College Provost Faye Crosby, whom he thanked for taking a risk on hiring a balloon maker.

Somekh, once a hopeful jazz musician, was just 19 when a carpenter friend showed him how to make balloon art. He never intended to make a career of it, but found comfort in how it relieved anxiety and enabled procrastination.

"This was easy for me," he said. "Everything else was really hard."

After college, Somekh traveled for four years to 34 countries with photographer Charles Eckert making balloon hats to build cultural bridges. The two produced a book from their journeys called "The Inflatable Crown."

"They are like food and music," Somekh said of balloons. "They transcend language barriers."

His two-month training of the UCSC students culminated this week in visits to the Boys and Girls Club, Stroke and Disability Learning Center and, on Saturday, a nursing home.

Victoria Martinez, 21, a Cowell College senior majoring in language studies and education, said she was impressed with Somekh's passion and skill. She admits getting a "an adrenaline rush" when she makes balloon objects to order.

"What I could do in 30 seconds made them so happy, and they'll take it home and talk about it," she said Wednesday, adding that the balloons don't make her nervous. "I'm not afraid to squeeze them and show them who's boss. I got over the fear of these popping quickly."

Kaitlyn Anderson, 21, a programs assistant at Cowell College, said recruiting fellow students to join the balloon brigade wasn't easy.

"I think a lot of people are intrigued by it," she said. "It's hard to get them to come for the first time, but then they stay."

Debora Bone, director of the Cabrillo center, said her students — who are learning through classes, counseling and fitness how to live with disabilities — benefit from interacting with the UCSC crew and watching balloons come to life.

"Having something entertaining is great," Bone said. "Anytime people use language skills and hand skills, they really regain a sense of community and belonging."

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